Just act!

I voted yesterday

For the first time in 17 years. Partially, because there was an issue on the table that I feel strongly about, partially, because I think the country has been going to hell in a handbasket the last three years and my previous political apathy is partly to blame.

But, I did not vote because otherwise I won't be able to complain. I've never agreed with that argument.

The last time I voted (Pres. election 1988) I did it by absentee ballot. Yesterday marked the first time I've ever been in a voting booth. When asked what ballot I wanted, I swear to god I said, "Repub--" before I realized what I was doing. I can't imagine where that came from.

In the booth, I was flummoxed by the ballot process. I'm fairly clever and figured it out, but I could see how this would have been confusing for many others. And despite the fact it was large and green, official looking with a big giant lock, AND sitting smack in the middle of the room, I had trouble finding the ballot box. I stalled in the booth, waiting for the people on either side of me to finish, so I could follow their lead.

I haven't had this much trouble with a process since learning how to tie my shoes, I swear.

Though not entirely happy with the outcome, the election process was a fun, friendly, community event. I'd recommend it to anyone.

SAM called me from CT yesterday afternoon, on his way to the OTB, or the track or somewhere to watch horse racing. Before we hung up, I said, "Bet a 1-4-7 trifecta for me." He called me back at 9 pm, to tell me that he boxed my trifecta and won over $600.

Why does this not happen to me? Okay, sometimes I win a dollar or 4 with 2 of those three numbers when I play Keno, but that's as close as I ever get.